Monday, 7 August 2017

It's Been Rather Quiet Round Here Lately

So it's been months and months since I published anything on my blog, and to be honest I haven't been following other peoples blogs like I normally do.  Work has been busy (and a bit shit) and I think the extra travelling is taking it out of me as well (certainly time wise).  
But I also managed to divert my attentions in other ways, over the past couple of years I've lost nearly 5 stone (70lbs, 32Kg) but the weight loss had stalled and I decided I needed to do something more and so I started a C25k programme at my local athletics club with the extra aim of doing some good and raising money for a worthy cause (more of that here - )

But I'm back now and picking up the different half written articles that have been sat unfinished for months and months, so I'm going to try and blog more whilst also continuing my running progress as I aim for 10k next.

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